Photonics Hub Symposium "Photonics for Space"
The two-day event is organised in cooperation with the company son-x in Aachen.
Program 18.03.2025
16:00 Arrival at son-x GmbH, Gewerbepark Brand 15, 52078 Aachen
16:30 Welcome
Dr. Olaf Dambon, son-x GmbH
16:45 Company tour son-x GmbH
19:00 Networking-Dinner at the Elisenbrunnen restaurant (included in the
registration fee)
Program 19.03.2025
08:30 Arrival
09:00 Welcome
Dr. Olaf Dambon, son-x; Tobias Kammans, Photonics Hub
09:15 Fused silica challenges in radiation hard environments
Dr. Frank Nürnberg, Heraeus Quarzglas GmbH & Co. KG
09:40 Crystalline Materials for Photonics in Astronomical Applications
Dr. Gordon von der Gönna, Hellma Materials GmbH
10:05 Astronomy, Atmosphere, and Agriculture: Nanophotonics for Space
Dr. Falk Eilenberger, Fraunhofer IOF
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Innovative Process and Machine Technologies for the Production of
High-precision Glass Mirror Substrates
Dr. Paul-Alexander Vogel, Vitrum Technologies GmbH
Constantin Meiners, Fraunhofer IPT
11:25 Industrialisation and operation of fine steering mirror for laser satellite
Dr. Marko van Dalfsen, DEMCON focal
11:50 Manufacturing of Ultraprecise Metal Mirrors – Opportunities and Challenges
Dr. Olaf Dambon, son-x GmbH
12:15 Lunch break
13:15 A versatile Space Laser Toolkit for Wavelengths from UV to MIR
Bastian Gronloh, Ruphos - Rugged Photonics Systems GmbH
13:40 Space qualified optical coatings : metallic, dielectric and black coatings
Charlotte Marty, CILAS
14:05 Current investigations in coating technology for space and astronomy
Dr. Andreas Wienke, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.
14:30 Coffee break
15:00 Precision Measurement of Complex Optics by Use of a Scanning Point
Multi-Wavelength Interferometer
Dr. Marc Wendel, Taylor Hobson
15:25 Optical metrology for material characterization and non-destructive testing in
Dr. Andrei Anisimov, TU-Delft
15:50 End of the symposium
After the event, there will be an opportunity to do also a company tour at son-x.
Registration deadline is 26 February 2025
Termin und Veranstaltungsort
BDKJ Jugendbildungsstätte Rolleferberg e.V.
Rollefbachweg 64
52078 Aachen
Nicht-Mitglied: 790,00 €
Mitglieder von Optence e.V. und Kooperationspartnern: 640,00 €
Alle Preise zzgl. 19% MwSt.